Working backwards

The summer has been a bit of a chaos in stasis.   Working on filming projects both my own and others.   Giving presentations, shooting, completing a class, applying for grants, managing grants, finishing grant work, driving all over the state…  The list seems to go on and on.   It has been a bit of head down, barreling forward doing odd jobs to pay the bills, finding myself, and probably most accurate, as my dive buddy calls it “post job PTSD”.

It has been almost exactly 4 months since I left my ‘Job-job’ and have been working on living small and following through on a promise to myself.  As with everything, I learned a lot during the year and a few months working for a non-profit, and for that I am grateful.

I’m still no better at keeping my office clean, but I am a lot better at logging b-roll.

So, for your amusement, and so that I don’t forget how much fun it’s been before i knuckle down and start pushing forward,  I will start working backwards and journal the summer projects.   Consider yourself warned 🙂


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