SOUND Advice: Scoop the Poop

Today’s SOUND Advice: Pick up Pet Waste

Creating a poop-free Puget Sound is more important than you might think. According to King County, there are more than 200 tons of pet waste deposited in the Puget Sound region every day, and water runoff flushes some of it into streams, rivers and Puget Sound. Dog poop contains things like E. coli, Giardia and Roundworms – nasty stuff that we don’t want in Puget Sound. The very best thing you can do when walking your dog outside is to bring plastic bags, pick up the poop, and dispose of it in a trash can. Do not contaminate your compost with pet waste. This is one of those rare cases where throwing something away is the best option.

Learn more at: and Dept of Ecology’s web page

To learn more about stormwater pollutes Puget Sound and how scooping the poop and other actions can be part of the solution visit

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