Today’s list: Did Pilates Washed dog (singular) Washed dog beds (plural) Found Triple-clamp Edited more Sustainability Talk videos Started website copywriting and design structure for client Pestered friends on FB with random post about AMA and gun violence research Tested lighting ideas for Underwater 360video (will post results soon) Figured out that I could use Preview for a batch… Read more →

Wen scuba and hair collide
Hair. Scuba. Long, short, long, short… It has been a cycle since I started diving back in 1990. A orbit if you will that rotates around scuba diving. 1993 – long, 1995 – short, 2009 – long again, 2014 – short again… Sea, Salt, Sun, latex neck seals, highlights, coloring the grey… It all takes a toll, but… Read more →