Star Blight – Seattle Magazine Article

Stories about the Sea Star wasting disease just keep coming… Much like the disease itself.

The waters are warming up along with the weather and the scientists I’ve been talking to are concerned that we will see an uptick in the sea star deaths again.   They are now seeing it in the San Juans, an area that was spared the onslaught from last fall.    Several months ago I had a phone interview with a journalist from Seattle Magazine,  it was a nice interview, she seemed genuinely interested, engaged and asked all the right questions.  After the fact I felt a bit bad, as I normally do, when given an outlet to talk about this stuff, I take advantage of the ‘new audience’ and talk their poor ears off.   The rest of you are pretty sick of it I imagine, so i hesitate to regale my inner circle with the latest updates and thoughts and musings and and and…

A while passed then I got a nice note asking to quickly fact check (I LOVE it when journalists do this up front, it puts me at ease, I don’t feel so worried about how the story might have gotten twisted).  I answered the questions, made a few slight corrections, and promptly forgot about it 🙂

That is until a random email popped up about a photo shoot for Seattle Magazine…  (I’d honestly forgotten which magazines i’d interviewed with because there was quite a flurry there for a stretch)  Shoot scheduled, it was awesome, the photographer made me look WAY more badass than i really am, and suddenly I was all excited to see the article ‘in the June issue’ 🙂  and then their was the waiting and waiting and waiting…   It’s amazing how long a month can be when your waiting….  there was a lot going on, imminent job change-up on the horizon, and as is standard with my attention span for things that are downgraded to yellow in importance, I kinda forgot about it (again), but just kinda.  As the months end neared, I may or may not have been checking the news stands for a copy 😉

Fast forward another week and I was headed out to work when my kind and generous neighbor (it is possible he was laying in wait) caught me and mentioned the nice article in Seattle Magazine.  Turns out folks with subscriptions get their magazine like 2 weeks early.   AND he offered it to me!!!!!  (since I hadn’t seen it)   The article turned out rather amazing, she did us a solid, touched on all the major players, and kept it very balanced.

without further adieu…


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