Dear Friends,
Due to our efforts cleaning up and removing over 1000 lbs of discarded marine and automotive batteries from a West Seattle scuba diving site, I have recently been honored with a nomination for the Cox Conserves Hero award. This award comes with a small funding opportunity which I would like to see used toward combating our local environmental problems. If I win this award, I have chosen “Don’t Feed the Monster”, a subsidiary of Sustainable West Seattle as my non-profit honorary grant recipient.
For this to happen, I need your vote!
The Puget Sound harbors an amazing abundance of life and profound diversity of habitat. Although the Salish Sea often looks serene and beautiful on the surface, there is a fight for survival going on just beyond the shoreline. It is a battle between the creatures that call it home and a massive influx of toxins and roadside debris; much of this results from our polluted storm outfall. The waterways and their inhabitants are being overwhelmed by an increasingly populated metropolis.
The Salish Sea is more than a collection of names and places on a chart. These same waters give us recreation, inspiration and livelihood, it is our duty to protect them.
This story does not need to have a sad ending. There are agencies, government and non-profit alike, lobbying for measures to decrease our impact by reducing this flow of waste and toxins. But this problem is too big for independent efforts; it requires a coordinated, community response.
The beautiful waters that we take for granted need YOU! Every single one of us can make a difference with the choices we make on a daily basis. You don’t need to be wealthy or have loads of time to donate; you CAN make small changes to your daily activities that will have a profound overall impact. Many people taking small steps over time can develop into a formidable force, fixing seemingly overwhelming problems.
If I am lucky enough to be selected, I would like to see this donation help jump start public awareness for our “7 simple solutions” program (via educational videos and multi-media) which will in turn help educate the general public and help reduce the flow of polluted and toxic storm water runoff into Puget Sound.
I need your support for our continued efforts to make Puget Sound healthier for the future, one person at a time….
YOU can be a part of the solution by voting for me at the KIRO Cox Conserves Hero web site.
Thank you for your time,
Laura James
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